Privacy Policy

Sunny’s Car & Truck service will not sell, share, trade or in any other way make your name, email address or other information available to any other party. Your information will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be used to notify you about updates to our website, to process your order and to notify you of future products, new services or upgrades which are made available to you by Sunny’s Car & Truck Service.

When you visit the website (Site), some information may be collected automatically by the software that operates our Site (i.e. the site from which you linked, your Internet Service Provider, the time and date of your visit). Our servers do not track, collect, or distribute personal information about visitors to our Site. This information is used by our technical engineers to compile aggregate statistics about the total number of daily visitors to our site, the pages most frequently visited, and how long people stay at each page. None of the information that we report allows for the personal identification of individuals.

The Site may contain links to other websites; however, we cannot be responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.